Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Frustration but nonetheless progress

The photoshop project is due at 10 am and I am still having trouble choosing a subject. Photoshop is not cooperating on my computer, but I suppose that is what I get for procrastinating. I am finally about to narrow down my options, but there is so much out there on the Internet that I have become very indecisive over the past few days. No matter how much I google, I am finding that it is easier to use pictures that I have taken or that other friends have taken and just experiment with those pictures. I hope that by the next blog post I will have something to show for all of these hours that I have basically just been playing around. So far, I will probably manipulate a picture of some vicious seagulls and make it into something sarcastic or obnoxious about something else. :-/

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